Friday, January 22, 2010

Jeremy Krefft, a well traveled, easy going guy with a laundry list of life goals

My name is Jeremy Krefft and I consider my hometown to be Temecula CA as that is where I was fortunate enough to establish some roots and attend school from grades four through to the completion of high school. However, my father was in the Navy and his career dictated where I went to school for preschool through third grade. I was born in Long Beach but shortly thereafter relocated to Virginia and then to the suburbs of Chicago Illinois where I attended preschool, kindergarten, first and second grades at Oakdale Elementary School. My first taste of education was sweet and I have enjoyed education ever since. I went to a school on Camp Pendleton Military base in California for third grade and hated it. I never made friends and was relieved when I moved to the quaint Valley of Temecula which was actually quite small at the time with only one stop light. After high school I uplifted my roots and moved to Arcata CA to attend college at the famed granola school, Humboldt State University of which I have nothing but good things to say.

I was relatively computer illiterate until I took a mandatory typing class during my freshman year of high school. That single class has been one of the most relevant and helpful courses in my whole academic career. Since that time I have became fairly competent in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint as well as web browsing. With the exception of iTunes and my iPod I avoid Macs whenever possible and am hoping that ED 422EX will help me overcome my dreaded fear of the white alien computers. I wouldn’t consider myself computer savvy. As I am now using one of the computers at CSUSM, I don’t even know what version of Microsoft Office I have on my home PC. Furthermore, I avoided the cell phone revolution as long as possible. I never had a pager when it was cool and until I moved to Africa where the possession of a cell phone was vital to my communication with family and friends I never owned one of those either.

The mission statement of CSUSM/COE is well written and I am proud to be part of a system that holds such important values. As prospective educators, it is vital that we stay up to date with new teaching techniques and methodology. By promoting, “life-long learning, innovative research and ongoing service” we are securing not just our own future as up to date effective compassionate teachers but also the future of the students whom we will diligently help to succeed in the modern world. Education doesn’t stop after you leave an institution which formally presents it to you. It is a mechanism by which we increase our understanding of the world around us and can easily tap into everyday by simply making observations or reading the newspaper.


  1. Hi Jeremy,

    Your blog is very nicely written! It feels conversational and I think that made me eager to keep reading! I especially enjoyed you paragraph on computers! I am the complete opposite as you are with Mac's. One of my other courses this semester is using a PC lab on campus and I asked if I could bring my Mac in because I am much more confident using it! I do see the benefits to "right click" which I don't have on my Mac. I am confident by the end of this semester you will find some love for the "white alien computers."

    Thanks for sharing your story!
    Amanda :)

  2. Jeremy great blog and funny. I remember the pager and how cool I thought I was when it would light up. Then looking for a pay phone was the hard part.I also agree with you about the Mac's you remember the neon see through monitor Mac's?

    Awesome blog, enjoyed reading it.
    From Dan

  3. Hi Jeremy,
    Great blog! Your picture reminds me of a trip I took to Mexico when I was at SDSU! I have to agree with you on the MACS--I know nothing about them.

  4. Hi Jeremy! It was so interesting to read that the one class you took freshman year of high school had such a tremendous impact in regards to your understanding and comfort using technology! Even though I am reliant on technology everyday, I think it is so great that you have been able to lead a life of simplicity with an almost-free of technology environment! Look forward to getting to know you better this semester!


  5. Hi Jeremy,

    Let me try and comment about your fabulous blog again. Love the title and love pic! Makes me lol and want to go on holiday. Props to you for not giving in to the cell phone silliness for so long. See you in class!

  6. Jeremy,
    My heart twinges every time I hear about the Peace Corps. I had considered it for a little while and never followed through. I think it's an incredible adventure of which to have been a part. Interestingly enough, I was in a seminar for a group of people recently laid off. One of the men in the room (~45-ish) comments on how he may join the Peace Corp before finding employment. Maybe some seeds taking longer to bloom?! I'm sure your experience will help you become a better teacher.

  7. Hey Jeremy,

    As has already been stated, this blog of yours for 422 is pretty well-written. Although I haven't read very far yet, I'm also enjoying reading your other blog, Jeremy in Zambia(I assume it was created so you could update friends and family while you were away in the Peace Corps?) From what I've read, it seems like you'll have a lot of interesting and exciting experiences you can share with your students (and probably a few you might be wise to leave out, too!) Lots of fun to read. Glad to have you in class.

    -Kelly Wehrley

  8. Ya I am not sure which hill you are talking about...If you are talking about Tuscany Hills (the huge steep one that is outside of Canyon Lake near Railroad Canyon) then yes, I believe that did happen. They used to host "luging events" if that's what they called them and they don't anymore because of reasons like DANGER!

  9. You lived in Africa? wow, that's really cool. Also cool to have an outofstate transfer person, I'm originally from NJ. California is a different planet.
