Friday, April 30, 2010

Copyright/Internet Safety: NETS 4 and 5

Using Google Docs, my classmates and I made this collaborative reference for copyright laws and internet saftey.  After numerous revisions from myself and my peers, we completed the final project.  The following topics are included in this document:

Identity Safety
Cyber Predators
Piracy and Plaigarism
Inappropriate Content Guidelines
Social Networking


Thursday, April 29, 2010


I made this public service announcement  in response to the recent hate crimes that were commited on the campus at CSUSM as well as UCSD.  I imported video footage and music from You Tube.  Then I edited the footage by adding voiceovers, special effects, text and slide transitions.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wiki Assignment - Alienat the Alien from NETS 3 and 5

I added a page on the class CSUSM technology class collabortive wiki, CSUSM 2.0 Tools.  My class peers and I each created a wiki page which included a description and example of the web tool which we researched.  I choose a drawing tool website called pictaps where you can actually draw a humanoid creature and watch it come to life by dancing.  My creature is named Alienat and you can watch him get down in the above video that I embedded on my blog from

Thursday, April 8, 2010

NETS Collaborative PowerPoint Rubric: NETS 3 and 5

By using, a website designed to help educators create online collaborative rubrics, I was able to design a rubric which I then used to critique my peer's PowerPoint presentations.  As a class, we designed a fun rubric that used vernacular from the classic television show The Simpsons such as DoH!, Oh Man!!!, and Cowabunga Dude!!!  iRubric makes designing rubrics easy and it also enables educators to re-use old rubrics for different assignments by easily making minor adustments and corrections in the text and the number of rows and columns.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Journal #10: Ed Tech Advocacy Issues

Goldmann, H. (2010). Ed tech advocacy issues. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from

Ms. Goldmann is the ISTE director of government affairs and in this article she summarized ten issues that local, state, and national policy makers must focus on when discussing the future of education.  She believes that technology in education is the common ground on which all subjects should be based off of.  As a ed tech advocate she argues that technology must be pervasive throughout all grades and subjects of the public educational system to prepare students for a college track.  Another one of her main points was training teachers so that they are technologically competent with new and emerging tools so that they can immediately apply their know how upon their acceptance of jobs.  I found this to be a relevant point as one of the pre-requisites for the CSUSM teaching credential program is ED 422.  One of the best way to improve school improvement is through the use of technology in the classroom.  However, for this new structure to work, classrooms must have computers with high speed broadband internet connections and there must be an I.T. person on campus who can support teachers when they need trouble-shooting help.  Technology is the global equalizer that will break down artificial barriers to effective learning and teaching provided that adequate measues are made to ensure the success of the education technology revolution.

What do you think the biggest imeding issue to technology in the classroom will be?
I believe that money will be the biggest issue as it almost always is.  Currently with budget cuts in California, school districts accross the state are forced to lay off numerous paraprofessionals such as I.T. personal on campuses.  When schools can't even afford basic student transportation services, I don't know where the money for computers and trained personal will come from.  This issue will effect poor urban neghborhoods much more drastically than it will suburban middle class neighborhoods, but with out a doubt no districts are free from the implications of budget cuts.  Sure enough numerous new teachers will reciecve RIFF notices this year and won't find that there is a job for them in the next year.

Is technology in education truely the most important factor for student success?
I believe that the core empasis in schooling should be on core subjects like Science, Math and English.  These subjects can be taught and taught well without the current technological advances in the rest of the world but I do believe that technology competence is also very important.  If America wishes to compete with the rest of the developed world, we must stress the importance of making technology pervasive in every subject grades K-12.  I do believe that this is the direction that the future of education is taking and even with hidrances such as budget cuts, we must try to lobby for curriculum standards for current technological education advances.

Journal # 9: Playing with Skype

Weller, T.J. (2010). Playing with skype. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from

Skype is a online video telephone service that is easy, cheap and requires little computer knowledge to use it.  Traditionally skype has been used by people who wish to talk to each other over long distances without paying long distances fees.  In fact skye is actually better than a telephone because it is used in conjunction with a video camera so the individuals who are conversing can actually pick up on subtle facial expressions that would go unnoticed over the phone.  Mr. Weller came up with the idea of integrating this technology into the classroom so that music conductors could actually bring their live orchestras into the classroom.  This isn't too different from a previous blog post that I wrote about interactive field trips.  However, skype is actually better than the technology that I described in the previous post because it is cheap and doesn't require an person to have access to a scarce and expensive machine.

Why was this idea so successful for integration into Mr. Weller's music room?
The  music conductor was actually able to see and interact with Mr. Weller's class before the performance so that he could explain what his envision of the music is.  Additionally, the low cost, user friendly program was highly accessible for his room as it would be for most classrooms in the states.  With emerging technology such as this, the teacher is no longer the absolute educator in the room.  The possibilities are practically endless as far as what professionals the students can interact with.

What are some possible complications that one might encounter while trying to utilize Skype video conferencing?  Skype does require a broadband internet connection.  As we all know, not all internet connections are equal and it would be unfortunate if in the middle of a classroom skype conversation, the internet connection was suddenly lost for whatever reason.  However, interent connections are much more stable now then they used to be when we all used dial-up connections and I think that this problem would be rare.   

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Inspiration, NETS-T standards 1-5: NETS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Inspiration is a great tool that can be used to orgnize your thoughts on paper.  It is basically a programt that can be used to create the classic spider diagram.  I used it to outline my competency with  NETS 1 through 5 by using two examples of work for each NET which demonstrate my competency in the respective NET.  I also linked the large Turkey in the middle to the official National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers webpage.

1.  Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

It is imperative that educators utilize their subject matter expertise, pedagogy and personal experiences to stimulate their students’ innate inquisitive character with real world as well as technological environments. 

By using Microsoft Word, a word processing program, to create a mock newsletter I promoted innovative ideas as I used Word Art, a font distortion application of Microsoft Word, dropcaps, line art, clipart, custom bullets and borders to draw readers' attention to various parts of the newsletter in a visually appealing way.  I modeled creativity by inserting a scanned self-portrait and utilizing the text wrapping feature.  I further promoted innovative thinking and use of technology through posting the newsletter to my blog, an online personal journal that is open to the public.    

By using Google docs, a web-based word processor, to write a collaborative narrative with colleagues, I am able to model collaborative knowledge construction in a virtual environment.  In Google docs, two peers and I worked remotely on a single document.  Each of us was able to contribute thoughts and edit the ideas of the others from various locations at different times as well as invite feedback from others.  Students could use Google docs to create and edit work with peers from across the room or even around the world.  As I am digitally invited to view and edit my peer’s document through the share application in Google docs, I promoted reflection and assessments of my peers' understanding, thinking, planning, and creative processes.  

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

After designing a PowerPoint presentation, a computer presentation program, I was able to incorporate this digital tool to promote student learning by teaching my fellow students about ways to creatively demonstrate classroom lesson ideas.

After constructing an online grading rubric on, I was able to provide my fellow students with multiple formative and summative assessments of their PowerPoint presentations that aligned with the NET-T content and technology standards.  The students were then able to use the resulting data from the rubric w to inform themselves on their learning and teaching strengths and weaknesses.

3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

Through online digital collaboration with fellow students and teachers at, a real-time information network powered by people all around the world, I was able to communicate with fellow students and my teacher to support student success and innovation.

By creating a Delicious account, a social bookmarking website, I modeled effective use of this new digital tool as I can now locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources that I’ve saved in my Delicious bookmarks on any computer thereby supporting research and learning.

4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
By utilizing the JCCS Internet Safety Project’s website at, I was able to advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources by creating a collaborative resource on Google Docs that addressed internet safety, cyberbullying, cyber predators, piracy and plagiarism, inappropriate content and social networks. 

By creating an online web log of my classroom projects at, I both promoted and modeled digital etiquette and responsible social interactions as I consistently demonstrated a high level of integrity when I would comment on my peer’s blog posts which relate to the use of technology and information.

5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

After I became a member of Classroom 2.0 at, a online social network for those interested in Social Media in Education, I participated in the local and global learning community by commenting on other educator’s blogs.   The wealth of information that I, as a member, have access to on this website allows me to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning.

Through becoming a member of the International Society for Technology in Education at, an organization that advances excellence in learning and teaching through innovative and effective uses of technology, I have access to an online journal publication titled Learning and Leading with Technology.  I regularly evaluate and reflect on current research in this publication to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning.  After reading recent articles, I summarize them on my blog.